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4 most common reasons of knee pain

The knee is a fascinating structure that is made up of three bones, two menisci, three compartments, four ligaments, cartilage, and several muscles and tendons. Balanced motion of all of these structures allows the knee to move optimally and pain free. Popping, less than optimal function and pain can occur when any one of these components is not working at full capacity. This can occur from injury, overly tight muscles, and even from foot, ankle or hip problems that shift the way the knee is used. A common musculoskeletal problem in all types of people is Knee pain. Fortunately, knee dysfunction is treatable with chiropractic manipulation. Consult with a chiropractor familiar with knee conditions to determine the cause of your pain. These four reasons below are the most common causes of knee pain: 

  • Meniscus tear- a tear /irritation of the fibrous cushioning between the joints of the knee.
  • Runner’s knee- pain felt in the front side of the knee from the quads pulling on their attachment.
  • Arthritis- a roughening and narrowing of the joint space in the knee.
  • Patello-femoral pain syndrome- knee pain from various causes.

Causes and Symptoms

  • The most common cause of knee pain is exercise. Cycling, running, or other activity that requires motion that is repetitive can cause some of the muscles to be worked more than others leading to muscular imbalances.
  • Old injuries, commonly cause scar tissue, changing the way you use your knee, potentially leading to pain and arthritis.
  • Other problem areas along the kinetic chain can cause knee pain, foot, ankle and hip pain change the way you use your leg and this can lead to knee pain. Increased body weight causes increased pressure on the joints, leading to pain. Four pounds of stress through the knee is added with every extra pound of weight.


Knee pain includes an examination of the muscles, ligaments, joints, and posture, as well as discussing past injuries and lifestyle habits that contributed to your condition.


Knee conditions do not require surgery and respond well to conservative treatment like chiropractic. To learn more about treatment, contact me for a FREE consultation.


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